What's the average lifespan of a cat? Statistics show that the normal lifespan of a cat living indoors is much higher than that of a cat living outdoors. The average lifespan of cats living indoors is 9-15 years, but there are exceptions. In some cases, pet cat lifespan is up to 20 years. The typical lifespan of a cat living outdoors is usually less than five years.
We have already considered the question of what's the average lifespan of a cat, now we should mention long-lived pets that have become famous all over the world. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest Burmese cat was born on March 11, 1977 in Melbourne, Australia, her name was Lady Catalena, she lived for 35 years. But this is only one of the cases of the longest cat lifespan, there are other centenarians. The cat with the longest lifespan was Creme Puff from Austin, Texas. She was born on August 3, 1967 and lived until August 2005, she was 38 years old.
So, what is the average cat lifespan? You should take cat average lifespan as a basis, but do not forget to take into account related actors. No specialist can say for sure how long a cat lifespan is for this particular cat, but there are general recommendations that will certainly help prolong the lifespan of your cat and improve its health. It is important to note that there are cases when the lifespan of a cat, stray cat from the street, reached 20 years. Having lived most of their lives as street cats, these pets fell into the good hands of the owners. This is a good indicator as normal lifespan of a cat. These cases are due to the fact that they lived the second half of their lives indoors with proper care. Many factors are responsible for cat average lifespan, including breed, diet, lifestyle, whether the pet lives indoors or outdoors, and so on. Let's take a closer look at the factors that affect the lifespan of a cat.
The main factors affecting the normal lifespan of a cat
Genetics and the cat average lifespan. There are many factors that play a decisive role in a cat's life and also directly affect the normal cat lifespan. First of all, of course, it is genetics, since genetic diseases are inherited. But there are other important factors that can greatly reduce the average lifespan of cat and require a lot of attention.
Nutrition affects the typical lifespan of a cat. Feed your pet good quality food; regardless of age, nutrition should always be balanced. This is an important factor affecting the normal cat lifespan. Do all mandatory vaccinations in a timely manner, do not forget about preventive visits to a specialist. Remove parasites such as worms and fleas regularly. A veterinary check-up at least once a year is vital to prolong the lifespan of your cat. This will help to identify the disease at an early stage and cure them.
Oral hygiene affects the typical cat lifespan. Many cats are prone to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, which can subsequently adversely affect the health and pet cat lifespan as a whole. If you do not check and do not observe hygiene, the consequences will not be long in coming. Unhealthy can affect the body negatively and shorten the lifespan of a cat. Because the cat's mouth has an abundant blood supply, bacteria can easily spread to other organs such as the liver and kidneys. Not to mention bad breath, pain and infections. Healthy teeth are the key to a long lifespan of your cat.
Effect of walking on the normal lifespan of a cat. Many cat lovers argue about the importance and benefits of having pets outdoors. After all, a domestic cat was once wild, and hunting instincts have remained in many breeds. So does walking affect the normal cat lifespan? As you know, many cats are quite happy with life in a confined space and do not want to go outside. It is rare to find cats that like to walk and roam outside the house. If you do decide to let your pet outside, you should be aware that you are not only reducing the lifespan of your cat, but also endangering it.
Keeping a pet indoors, regular visits to the veterinarian is the best thing an owner can do to extend the cat average lifespan. The reason that a domestic cat has a longer pet cat lifespan than a stray one is the risk of contracting various infections, competition with other animals, and the general risk of being outdoors.
What is the average lifespan of a cat indoor and stray?
The wild and stray cat has the shortest average lifespan of cat, as it is subjected to almost all aggressive factors. When a cat enters a cattery, it is often euthanized. The typical lifespan of a cat under these conditions is very short. It is important that this reduced ratio of normal cat lifespan will be a warning to many cat lovers who release their pets into a world full of danger easily.
When your cat lives in the house, receives proper care, balanced nutrition and clean water, does not get involved in the fight against other animals, does not become a victim of animal abuse, poisoning or a traffic accident, naturally health becomes better, life is happier, and cat average lifespan increases significantly.
Does cat breed affect cat average lifespan?
What's the lifespan of a cat of a particular breed? Does normal lifespan of a cat depend on the breed? Yes, there are cat breeds that have a longer typical lifespan of a cat. For example, it is believed that Persian cat average lifespan is several years longer than that of other breeds.
But there is an opinion that this is only because this breed is more often kept by cat lovers. Therefore, they take care of them like children, and the average lifespan of cat increases.
But many cases have been recorded when purebred cats have a longer typical lifespan of a cat than a purebred cat. It all depends on the genetic characteristics of the cat, its maintenance, and nutrition.
Here is the cat average lifespan table depending on the breed:
- American Bobtail cat average lifespan - 12+ years
- American Curl cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- American Shorthair cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Balinese cat average lifespan - 9 + years
- Bengal cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Bombay cat average lifespan - 13 + years
- British Shorthair cat average lifespan - 14 + years
- Burmese cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Chartreux cat average lifespan - 13 + years
- Cornish Rex cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Devon Rex cat average lifespan - 10 + years
- Egyptian Mau cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Exotic Shorthair cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Japanese Bobtail cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Kurilian Bobtail cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Maine Coon cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Nebelung cat average lifespan - 16 + years
- Norwegian Forest cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Persian cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Savannah cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Scottish Fold cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Selkirk Rex cat average lifespan - 14 + years
- Siamese cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Siberian cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Singapura cat average lifespan - 12 + years
- Somali cat average lifespan - 9 + years
- Sphynx cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Tonkinese cat average lifespan - 15 + years
- Turkish Van cat average lifespan - 9 + years
Tips for extending your cat average lifespan
How to extend average lifespan for a cat? Here are some tips on how to take care of your pet and win extra lifespan of your cat:
- Good nutrition with only approved products significantly extends the average lifespan of your cat. Many owners feed their cats raw fish, and fish is generally contraindicated for a cat more than once or twice a month.
- To prolong the normal lifespan of a cat, you need to keep your pet under the supervision of a veterinarian at all times. Be sure to vaccinate your pet and preventive measures against worms and other cat parasites
- Monitor your cat's behavior. No one knows better than you how it is every day. And if something in pet’s behavior is wrong, then do not waste time, and immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes time is the key factor not only in saving a life, but also in extending the typical lifespan of a cat.
- Try to play with your cat more often to take care of its mental health. Stress management is also an important factor that affects the normal cat lifespan.
- Take care of your cat's teeth and mouth. This will improve the pet's health and add credits to the average lifespan for a cat.
- If you do not need cat’s offspring, then be sure to castrate / sterilize your cat. This way you will also extend the pet cat lifespan, because it has been proven that typical cat lifespan of cats that did not bear offspring for several years longer.
- Don't let your pet overeat. Excess weight can negatively affect your cat's health and not only does not help, but also shorten the cat average lifespan.
- Do not give a pet cheap dry food, otherwise, in addition to allergies, you will also get urolithiasis. Take timely preventive measures against urolithiasis. It will also prolong the lifespan of your cat.
- Try to play with your cat more often. Healthy activity and regular communication with the owner improves the cat’s mental health and, as a result, prolongs the normal lifespan of a cat.
- And most importantly, it's love and affection. Your love and care is the most important and reliable tool that will help extend the average lifespan of your cat.