Top-3 most expensive cat breed
What is the most expensive cat breed? Is Persian cat the most expensive cat breed in the world? The cost of kittens of some expensive cat breed is beyond the reach of even the middle class. A pet of the most expensive cat breed can be as much an indicator of status and wealth as expensive cars or watches. For example, the cost of the most expensive cat breed reaches tens of thousands of dollars and even exceeds 100 thousand. So, what is the most expensive cat breed?
#1 most expensive cat breed Ashera
What is the most expensive cat breed in the world? The record holder in terms of the most expensive cat breed and the most controversial breed is Ashera. Their appearance dates back to 2007. Biotech company Lifestyle Pets has announced that it has developed a completely new, expensive cat breed. Outwardly, they are exotic servals, but by nature they are affectionate and devoted pets. The name of this most expensive cat breed was in honor of the ancient Semitic goddess, who was considered the mother of all living things.
However, very soon a scandal erupted around the expensive cat breed, Ashera. Felinologists have found out that this most expensive cat breed in the world is nothing more than F1 shroud cats. However, despite this, some people are ready to spend crazy money to buy this the most expensive cat breed. At first, the price for the kittens was $27,000, since the company had only five litters of this breed. In the last decade, their prices have risen significantly. This most expensive cat breed costs $125,000.
So, what is the key of the most expensive cat breed in the world? Ashera is a hybrid of an African serval, an Asian Bengal, and an ordinary domestic cat. It has an elongated, slender, muscular body, long strong legs and a flexible thin tail. Ashera's main asset is its luxurious coat, reminiscent of the skin of a leopard or snow leopard.
Thіs most expensive cat breed is very fond of running and jumping, and can fly several meters in a jump, and therefore is not adapted for life in apartments. The right place for the most expensive cat breed is in country houses with a lot of space. And if there is also a swimming pool, Ashera's happiness will have no limit.
There is little detailed information about the nature of this most expensive cat breed, since people who paid an amount equal to the cost of a good apartment for a kitten are unlikely to talk about behavioral problems. However, Ashera expensive cat breed is known to react aggressively to strangers and keep them away.
#2 most expensive cat breed Savannah
The first Savannah expensive cat breed, a hybrid of an African serval and a domestic Persian cat, was bred in 1986 by American breeder Judy Frank. Wanting to develop the most expensive cat breed that would combine the grace of a wild animal and the affection of a domestic one, she asked her friend Susie Wood for a male African serval to try to connect him with a Siamese cat. On April 7, 1986, the first representatives of the Savannah expensive cat breed were born: two long-legged spotted kittens. The breeder gave the female to the mistress of the serval, and three years later, after mating with the Angora cat, she gave birth to spotted kittens, which became the standard of the breed.
This most expensive cat breed quickly became popular and was approved by breeders' associations in the mid-90s. Cats of this most expensive cat breed are big. The weight of females starts from 7 kg, and the weight of males can reach 15 kg. They are very loyal. Savannah expensive cat breed is open to socializing with other animals and strangers if trained at an early age. Representatives of this most expensive cat breed in the world, not accustomed to strangers, begin to growl and hiss. Savannah expensive cat breed is strong and agile, easily jumping on tall cabinets, refrigerators, and doorways. In addition, the most expensive cat breed is smart, interesting, playful and active, and needs a lot of exercise. This most expensive cat breed costs $50,000.
#3 most expensive cat breed Bengal cat
Bengal most expensive cat breed has a wild and exotic look, but is an ideal pet. This most expensive cat breed in the world is known for its spotted coat and muscular build. Bengal expensive cat breed is domesticated, but its origins can be traced back to the 1970s, when the wild Asian Leopard cat was related to domestic shorthairs. The founder of the expensive cat breed was the American biologist Jane Meal, who wanted people to be able to get at home an affectionate and tame animal resembling a wild jungle dweller, stopping the extermination of the forest predator in its natural habitat. This most expensive cat breed costs $25000.
Bengal most expensive cat breed will make a funny pet as it is active and smart, learns quickly and is very loyal. Purebred representatives of this expensive cat breed do not have aggressiveness, since this was stopped at the molding stage. But Bengal expensive cat breed can be difficult to keep at home, as cats are inquisitive and satisfy their curiosity by jumping into aquariums, playing with switches, hanging from chandeliers, etc.
Due to its wild origin, this most expensive cat breed is much larger than the average domestic cat. By nature, representatives of this expensive cat breed are affectionate, friendly to children and dogs, and very sociable. In addition, they are energetic and very playful. There are practically no aggressive individuals among Bengal expensive cat breed.
Top-10 most expensive cat breed
#4 most expensive cat breed Persian cat
What is the most expensive cat breed in top-10? According to historical documents, this most expensive cat breed, whose origin is attributed to 19th-century Persia (modern Iran), actually existed hundreds of years before our era. This most expensive cat breed costs $5,500.
Pets of this expensive cat breed are famous for their huge expressive eyes, as well as luxurious long hair, which can be not only white, but also other colors. Persian expensive cat breed has a gentle and sweet character, is very playful and easily adapt in the house, love its owners.
However, Persian as the most expensive cat breed in the world need careful grooming, which can become tangled and matted. Persian expensive cat breed can spend all day with the owner on the couch.
#5 most expensive cat breed Peterbald
Peterbald most expensive cat breed looks like Sphynx cat, but there are still differences. The coat of these expensive cat breed is still present and resembles either a velvet peach or male stubble. This most expensive cat breed costs $5,000.
This most expensive breed of cat was first mentioned in documents in 1988, when a cat with an unusual coat was discovered. The first pet of this most expensive cat breed was created from a combination of a Russian Don cat and an Oriental Shorthair cat. Like Don cat, expensive cat breed Peterbald has a dominant gene that makes it bald.
This most expensive cat breed makes wonderful pets and is known for the muscular build. They are smart and affectionate. However, the most expensive breed of cat has very sensitive, skin so children need to handle it with care. In addition, this most expensive cat breed is prone to sunburn and, therefore, the pet cannot spend a long time outdoors.
#6 most expensive cat breed Sphynx
This most expensive cat breed attracts attention with its alien appearance. Because of the lack of wool, this most expensive cat breed in the world looks really unusual. This most expensive cat breed first appeared in Toronto (Canada), where a domestic cat gave birth to a completely hairless kitten in 1966. This recessive gene baby and several other naturally hairless cats have been found around the world. They formed a fund for the development of this most expensive cat breed, the creation and consolidation of which took about 30 years.
Today, Sphynx is an expensive cat breed that is resistant to disease or genetic problems. Representatives of this most expensive cat breed are distinguished by loyalty, playfulness and love for the owner. Sphynx expensive cat breed also love to communicate with other breeds of cats and dogs.
In terms of grooming, Sphynx need to be bathed frequently as they accumulate body fat on their skin. In addition, the most expensive cat breed in the world feels uncomfortable on the street: because of the lack of wool, pet freezes. Therefore, to go out, it is better to take care of clothes for your most expensive cat breed pet. This most expensive cat breed costs $3,000.
#6.5 most expensive cat breed Scottish fold
Scottish Fold most expensive cat breed was bred on a farm in the Tayside region of Scotland in 1961 by shepherd William Ross. Representatives of this expensive cat breed are distinguished by flexible ears that are tilted forward and lowered down, which gives the cat's face the appearance of a teddy bear or an owl. Such ears, by the way, are the result of a dominant gene that affects the cartilage of the entire body of a cat. This feature has made Scottish Fold most expensive cat breed very popular among cat lovers.
Scottish Fold most expensive cat breed usually look sad, but in fact these animals are very energetic, love communication and attention. However, this most expensive cat breed can have health problems due to degenerative changes in joint tissues. This is influenced by the same gene that makes the most expensive cat breed in the world of the ear. This most expensive cat breed costs $3,000.
#7 most expensive cat breed American Curl
American Curl affectionate and playful most expensive cat breed is popular among cat lovers. Physical characteristic features of this most expensive cat breed are a silky straight coat that comes in both short and long, medium size, expressive eyes, and curled ears.
The origin of this expensive cat breed can be traced back to a stray black cat with long hair and funny ears that Joe and Grace Ruga settled as a kitten in Lakewood, California in 1981. The couple named the cat Sulamith, which means "black but sweet." This most expensive cat breed costs $1,200.
The curly ears of the American Curl most expensive cat breed were caused by a random mutation. Thanks to this feature, the most expensive breed of cat got its name, since curl is translated from English as "curl". This cat is very affectionate and loves to interact with people and other cats. This most expensive cat breed is intelligent and that does not meow too much. Long-haired most expensive cat breed in the world needs careful grooming.
#8 most expensive cat breed American Wirehair
American Wirehair most expensive cat is typical American pet and that appeared as a result of a spontaneous mutation among farm cats in upstate New York around 1966. The coarse coat of this most expensive cat breed distinguishes it from others. This most expensive cat is easy to care for and disease resistant, making it a favorite among casual cat lovers and serious breeders alike. This most expensive cat breed costs $1,200.
This most expensive cat breed is playful, meek and good-natured. This most expensive cat easily adapt to conditions, it is very smart and love to tinker with interactive toys and puzzles. American Wirehair most expensive cat becomes attached to its owners and follows them everywhere. Representatives of this most expensive cat breed get along well with children and other pets.
#9 most expensive cat breed Maine Coon
Maine Coon most expensive cat originated in New England and is noted for its mouse hunting skills, adaptability to the extreme cold weather of the northeastern United States, and large size. In length, together with the tail, this most expensive cat breed can grow up to 120 centimeters and weigh up to 8-12 kg. This most expensive cat reaches full size in 3-5 years.
Maine Coon cats are popular not only due to their spectacular appearance (expressive eyes, large ears, shaggy coat), but are also famous for their goodwill and cordiality. This most expensive cat likes to spend time with the owner, get along with dogs and children, but at the same time maintain independence and free spirit. This most expensive cat breed costs $1,000.
#10 most expensive cat breed British Shorthair
Representatives of this most expensive cat breed are popular due to the fact that they easily adapt, become attached to the owners and are very affectionate. British Shorthair most expensive cat is sociable and easily used with households and other pets. However, they do not like to be carried on the hands. This most expensive cat breed costs $800 - $1,000.
British Shorthair most expensive cat breed is descended from domestic cats of the Roman Empire, distinguished by their hunting abilities and strength. However, their contemporaries became somewhat clumsy.
Compared to its American cousin, British Shorthair most expensive cat is rounder and fluffier. They come in a variety of colors and are known for their copper eyes, bluish-gray fur, and broad face.